luni, 8 februarie 2016

Can't it be friday? Revelatii ce nu mai sunt de actualitate.

Politicians are the next generations priests.  We will ask penitence to common sense.

Words are means to actions - in no way things to base your life around. I will, however not take away from them the ability to give wings or completly crush people.
Copilul isi uita partintii doar dupa ce ei l-au uitat. Moldovei ii e pohui acum pentru ca Romaniei i-a fost pohui in toti ani astria. Problema asta ar putea avea nuante, dar un verdict/rezultat niciodata nu va avea.

We all got that comfortable thing - that fallback into thinking we are special. Regardless if its hidden or advertised.

Slaves of future and kings of present, aren't we?

Hey - Back off! I'm not gonna ask again. I'll beg, goddamit.

Daca n-ar fi carpe, n-ai avea cum sa apreciezi un covor. #despre persane.

Asta nu e a mea, dar imi place bugat: history doesn't repeat itself, it does however rhyme.

You can't tap me on the shoulder before bed and tell me "let's have sex" so I guess a like is the best way.Thank you:)

A good quote is like good women. It starts out tight and tends to remain that way.

Toate masinile alea stiau ca nu o sa fie mai mult decat is in acel moment. Si e ceva fain in asta.

"Ce dai ma, nu stii sa injuri?" de la olteni(?)

Cand te trezesti din somn si iti bagi mana in buzunar sa scoti ceva din vis.

2 caramele sugus cu lamaie si 2 cu portocale - te relaxeaza sa poti da razele mai bine. Joci cu nevermore contra unui void, toti restul de la ei au iesit.
Tu ai un rilay, la un moment dat dai un hook in baza cu clock dupa void si mori instant inainte sa ajunga hook-ul(aveai aghanim pe clock). - dota drunk dreams.

Lumea se masoara in contraste nu in kilometri.

I am smiling a great smile today. The smile of a guy who fucked up his and didn't break it. This is considerably more rare then you might think. " the martian.

People are like snowflakes, but when they melt they are all identical water droplets.

Books go well with people when there are more books around than people.