marți, 27 august 2013

Iubito, am filme porno cu o personalitate mai faina ca tine. sau lasa-ma ca sa te lasam.

Tricou cu gust de mici
Gratar nespalat.
Unde-ti ascunzi bataia?
Sincerizeaz-o cu alb ca lacrima
Joaca-te cu tot ce ai in nisip
S-uri de sarpe
Toata ziua am vorbit
Dar nu am zis nimic.
Cancer la iubire (mersi, ma, foarte tare "duma")
Nu-mi fi cancer la iubire
Lasa albul in negru
Este arta intre baricadele de la autostrada.
Pastila penala (easy):
Life is like waiting in for vaccines. The news that you are alive, the undecided mind in how to react, the joy in having time and the uselessness of being afraid, fearless jokes and fear of vaccines and the revelation that is just a needle of time. Never forget, without vaccines you would get sick of terrible diseases like rabies or even boredom.
Reality is the only fiction that does not get old.
And yes, first religion became a hard fiction to sell. Nowadays, reality is harder and harder sold also.
vice in paradise
how much can you stay sober in a room full of alcohol
how much can you stay christian in a world without heaven
how much can you stay?
i'll be gone for a while
but i'll bring you a cigar or the paradise
which one you'd prefer?
the paradise is prerequisite if you behave
but there are no cigars in paradise
so you fool yourself for a vision
or be the decadent fool?