sâmbătă, 26 octombrie 2013

Cand se schimba ora se schimba si oamenii? Oameni mai devreme, oameni mai tarziu?
Nu vrem sa fim mai devreme, vrem luxul orei. Luxul timpului. Irosim combustibil sa ne simtim liberi, irosim alcool sa ne simtim liberi, ne jucam in bucuria fiecaruia.
Un indignat si un curios, o intrebare si o exclamare cu acelasi raspuns. Don't die wondering.

marți, 15 octombrie 2013

Ha, Ha.

Ne tot intrebam ce vream sa fim cand eram mici, dar nu avem curaj sa ne intrebam ce vream sa fim cand eram mari. 

Even in rock, the statues of the gods are as shaky as people. And themselves.

Suntem plastelina cu care se joaca timpul.
Give it enought time and your strongest believes start to look shaky.

marți, 27 august 2013

Iubito, am filme porno cu o personalitate mai faina ca tine. sau lasa-ma ca sa te lasam.

Tricou cu gust de mici
Gratar nespalat.
Unde-ti ascunzi bataia?
Sincerizeaz-o cu alb ca lacrima
Joaca-te cu tot ce ai in nisip
S-uri de sarpe
Toata ziua am vorbit
Dar nu am zis nimic.
Cancer la iubire (mersi, ma, foarte tare "duma")
Nu-mi fi cancer la iubire
Lasa albul in negru
Este arta intre baricadele de la autostrada.
Pastila penala (easy):
Life is like waiting in for vaccines. The news that you are alive, the undecided mind in how to react, the joy in having time and the uselessness of being afraid, fearless jokes and fear of vaccines and the revelation that is just a needle of time. Never forget, without vaccines you would get sick of terrible diseases like rabies or even boredom.
Reality is the only fiction that does not get old.
And yes, first religion became a hard fiction to sell. Nowadays, reality is harder and harder sold also.
vice in paradise
how much can you stay sober in a room full of alcohol
how much can you stay christian in a world without heaven
how much can you stay?
i'll be gone for a while
but i'll bring you a cigar or the paradise
which one you'd prefer?
the paradise is prerequisite if you behave
but there are no cigars in paradise
so you fool yourself for a vision
or be the decadent fool?

duminică, 21 iulie 2013

marți, 25 iunie 2013

Actions speak louder then words

"I stopped using reason when i saw it's affecting my belief."
A fundamentalist

"Figures are there, people are not.
Give me proof, i'll give you excuses".
Wall Street

"A little fire goes a long way."

"People are chemistry, so I do know your feelings."

"In bussiness you spend money to earn money. I'm not a philantropist."

vineri, 14 iunie 2013

Greece ..

A couple of pictures I've taken during my stay in Greece. Those posters we're posted in student dorms and in the main hall of the university of Balkan Political Studies. They did have a dictatorship but it was quite a long time ago. The kids nowadays in universities did not got the taste of it, neither, likely, their parents got much taste of it. It ended in 1974. For me, as a Romanian, my parents and grandparents know about it and still we also have people that like it. Last time people lacked freedom (speech, religion, media, travel).
It terms of actual political influence of the left-wing (communist parties and the such) in Greece some figures I've got to know are like 33% of the Parliament, or 15%-25%. And there are also the right-wing parties, the fizzier ones.  But this is common knowledge googleable to a certain degree (another subject all together).

I was really annoyed by this, but then again I was here for 3 months so I can't grasp what they have been through entirely. Then again, I was brought up to hate totalitarianism. There is a party organised by the communist party this weekend. Might as well go. 

marți, 19 martie 2013

chiar n-are nici un sens

biblioteci de oameni (=ti-am spus am citit carti, dar nu se compara cu vietile oamenilor)
Citim oameni. Chiar ma laudam ca pot citi oamenii rapid, stiu de unde sa ii iau. Sunt rafturi si pentru ei. Poti sa ii vezi bine 
daca esti pe un raft de sus sau pe podea.
Hmm. 2 lucruri. Schimb de carti lasi una primesti alta (analogia la oameni). Stai si citesti, cititi povestile
De obicei dai un cuvant primesti un cuvant. idee, capitol. 

Degeaba, vreti viata. Curge rece pe fata. Tot parul e leoarca. Un inceput de tremur in coapse. Si sarim!

Cand ti-a curs ultima data sange? Are gust bun. E faina senzatia cand iti reamintesti de el. E o bucurie in a fi sifonat -shifonat-
Rupt, distrus. Niste sifoane cu suflet.
Facem o analogie intre sticle si oameni? Suntem carbogazosi noi, dar... sa fug pana la faptul ca marea majoritate e plata? 
Ce carbogazosi? E frumos cum improasca omul cu lichide, in sfarsituri.
M-ai intrebat de ce si mi-ai spus ca sunt copil. Pentru ca suntem in fuga dupa competitii, realitati corecte. Viata
nu e una. Fugim dupa iluzia asta. Tu cu ce iti stingi taria?
Ne saturam sa avem suflet, ne saturam sa avem trup. Fugim sa simtim. Niste balansori pe funie.
biblioteci de oameni = bucuria de a zice ceva frumos, 
                         cainele lui pavlov
      a venit isus, rugati-va (pofta)
Actiune si reactiune, randul de mai sus nu are relevanta.
Pictam, scriem, taind copaci. E important ce imi place, e o chestie de oportunitate ca auzi capitolul asta, sau ca scriem
impreuna. Dar fiecare versiunea lui.
Am pierdut ideea, bag. Nu vreau apa sau sa impresionez. Nu acum.
Niste limitati. Nu am reusit ce mi-am propus. M-am pus intr-o seara sa gasesc un fel mai bun decat democratia. Am desenat
gandit cercuri, grupuri. La toate problema e cu defectele omului, de aia se prabusesc. Democratia ca sa fericeasca poporu.
E o utopie la fel de mare ca si Marxism-ul doar ca e o pastila mai usor de inghitit, e comoda. E tarfa neagra din Africa, 
pe care o poti viola noaptea fara grija, dar la lumina zilei stai cu ea si iti dai seama ca e ca si ma-ta. In democratie
singur organ sexual ce merita mentionat e banul.
E un joc de lumini, depinde cum ii pus becul, cum iti cade lumina, ce umbre cad pe ecran pentru ceilalti. Cine o zis "knowledge is power" trebuia sa stie ca e mai usor sa ii prostesti pe ceilalti decat sa afli ceva nou.

And I try, try, try to beat the addiction, but that's the place i get kicks from
You were frosty to me like i was Nixon.

Sunt randuri care au venit in timp de la "biblioteci de oameni" pe rand, rand cu rand. Nu prinde fiecare pas din gandire,
doar finalitatile, sa zicem :P. Dumnezeu stie daca se poate stoarce ceva inteles din el, daca poate fi urmarit, sau regasit
procesul doar cu bucatile astea. ce rost are? poate gasiti un rand care sa va placa. sau idee.
Oricum e o chestie scrisa in 15 minute, doar sa fie ceva acolo. Sa nu fie tot gazul ars degeaba.

duminică, 17 februarie 2013

note scurte

"I  am no martyr upon cross. Yet I will gladly risk like, so those deserving may live. While life for you may not yield such blodshed, intent is equal. Any sacrifice made for friendship brings hnor, and forms unbrekable bond. Live well.
I am for drink and embrace of questionable women. May your day bring you equal favors."
"It's only sun and shadow."

K's choice - Everything for free

Some dance to remember some dance to forget. hotel California

Bastille - Pompei

Inner Ninja - Classified with David Myles

Robbie Williams - Bodies
Dupa ce se termina ultima tigara?

If you know12 languages speak sense in any of them.

We all strive so our shadow will be brighter than it's bearer.

History is made by people that do what they think it's right not by the people that ask what is right.

Priene, orasul cu casa in care o locuit Alexandru.

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

Girls and boys: The main thing in life is as many people as possible to see your ass/abs and boobs/booze. 

A bitch is not the one you see three halfs drunk at the club. That one just runs. The ego makes the bitch.

The more we lack the stronger we are.

When happy you enjoy the music when sad you understand the lyrics. Imagine how it feels to be a musician or a poet. They just leech their emotions. It's kinda the thing you get just amplified. 

"Looking into another person's eyes for an extended period of time proved to be a powerful thing. And if you don't believe me, try it yourself. 
I think all it really takes for different people to get along is a common rooting interest and a few beers."
Matthew Q

I came, i saw, i WTF'ed.

Have that ego. You're welcome.

joi, 17 ianuarie 2013


                                                              asa, de sesiune.