joi, 24 mai 2012

De la regimul comunist la regimul Iliescu

Scurt si la subiect

Virgil Magureanu - director al Serviciului de Informatii Roman 1990-93 + multe altele

Alex Mihai Stoenescu - istoric, politician

Un dialog de vreo 300 de pagini intre 2 oameni documentati si partasi la ceea ce s-a intamplat in 1989.  O
lectura foarte interesanta

Link :

sâmbătă, 19 mai 2012

"It's not what you know, Clyde, it's what you can prove in court!"

Nick, "Law abiding citizen"

Si inca ceva, ca ultimul post era cu Marcus Aurelius, mai apare si in film aici:

I mean, you can't
fight fate, right?

  -Nick. Once you make a decision, live with it- move on. This job, your best asset's a short memory.
Don't beat yourself up. Too many other people out there doing that already. Look, there's some of them right now.
  -Isn't this where you tell me some type of old fable or wives' tale-
  -All right, all right, I got one. Marcus Aurelius hired a servant to walk behind him as he made his way through the Roman town square. And this servant's only job was to whisper in his ear when people praised him, "You're only a man. You're only a man." Okay, man?
  - Okay, man.
  - Okay, man.
  - That's some bullshit.
  -That's good.
  -I don't think you even know what that story means.
  -You're missing the point, Nick. It doesn't matter what they say.
   -Okay, I got this now.